Sunday, February 19, 2012

Life by HIS rules, keeping the Sabbath holy

About 9 months ago my work went from a 5 day a week operation to a 24/7 work place. I was concerned for several reasons but mainly how this would affect my Sundays as I worship God everyday but in a big way on that day in particular starting early in the morning.

After some wrangling I managed to secure a shift that included Sundays off. This came up for renewal a couple of months later and again was able to stay on the same shift. God blessed me in this time and my ministry opportunities grew as my new shift freed me on a Monday morning too(I work GY shift and had Saturday/Sunday nights off). I built a life for myself around this shift and life was good.

My work has this kind of crazy arrangement IMO where everyone has to resubmit their shift preference every 6 months. I kind of figured it would be difficult to attain this shift again but did my best to try to keep the status quo. It didn't work out but I did attain what seemed to be the best scenario my seniority could afford which meant my shifts were Tuesday night until Saturday night meaning my week would end Sunday morning at 7 AM. This I figured would be difficult with my Sunday schedule and would mean a big adjustment in my early morning routine. That being said I was thankful to get what I did as it was still allowing me to attend my main Church service on Sunday(all be it tired) plus minister on a Monday morning which has become a big passion of mine.

Well I worked last Saturday night and made do with it. I attended Church but everything just felt a little off. As the week went on it just didn't sit well in my spirit. This has become a spiritual battle for me and a question of faith. You see God has always provided what I need and I am fully devoted to him.

But do I truly trust him? You see recently I entered into a relationship that has been life changing and I can totally see building a life with this person and feel a strong desire to provide and be a stable influence. Can I trust God to be the rock or will I turn to my own devices? Isaiah 2:22 which I read the other day provided some clarity for me. I was trusting in my own human reasoning when really all I know for sure is there is oxygen in my nostrils!! I had to turn the situation over to God and trust him.

So On Friday night at work I did just that. I informed my supervisor verbally and by letter that I would not be available Saturday night anymore. I've applied to go part time(in the letter I stated why I can only work 4 of my shifts per week) as there are provisions in my works CBA for part timers but it has to be approved by the Industrial Relations department. I think it will likely be approved but if it isn't I could be in a bit of battle. Even if it is approved it will mean I will have to get by on less in the interim. I'm going to trust in God on this one. He provides for me and has done things in my life far beyond what I was praying for. I'm not saying that will be the case here because the moment I try to interpret what God is about to do in my life he does something I never even thought of.

Regardless, I have the peace of God in my heart this Sunday. I got up at 5 AM but was actually in prayer from about 1:30 and on. I feel God's presence and his kingdom here on earth as it is in Heaven. So whatever happens, happens as it is in God's hands now. His will, will be done in my life and in this situation.

So praise the Lord, praise his Holy name. Thank you Jesus, lover of my soul!

There are certain things that should/can be done on a Sunday that are not ungodly or unholy. Certain occupations are necessary on a Sunday but warehouse work is hardly one of them. Working on a Sunday for a Christian is a real hardship and I could not reconcile it in my occupation. I would really rather my work didn't work it at all but just because it does I don't see the need to force a Christ loving Christian to work it just to eke out a living. I trust God to work it out.

Blessings to you today!

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